If you stay too long in a company that’s in a downward spiral (e.g., Twitter), your career will falter, and your professional brand will be damaged.
People wonder why you’re sticking around when the writing is on the wall. They assume you aren’t in demand, so you’re desperately clinging to the job.
I’ve worked in a faltering company before. One was a declining corporation. The other was a failing startup. The experiences turned me into a better observer of the early warning signs of a failing company and when it might be time to leave before things got worse.
However, one of these signs is better than all the rest; the “canary.” This is a smart and talented person in the company who you trust and respect. They’ve already had success in the org, and they keep getting promoted.
So, why would they leave?
That’s exactly the point of paying attention to this person. Why WOULD they leave? It could be they know something you don’t…
I wrote more about how to select a good canary, track their behavior, and decide if and when you should leave a company in this article:
I’m Larry Cornett, a Freedom Coach who works with you to optimize your career, business, and life. My mission is to help you become a more "Invincible You" so you can live your life on your terms instead of being controlled by someone else's rules. I live in Northern California near Lake Tahoe with my wife and our Great Dane.