For this edition, I’m trying something a little different. I recorded a podcast episode that you can listen to here.
I looked back at 2020 and thought that it was time to look forward to the future possibilities. I feel like we’ve had so many negative experiences that it is time for some positive thinking.
This has been a year of doom and gloom. It’s hard not to feel down when so many people have suffered. It may have personally impacted you. If so, I am sorry.
We’ve lost friends and loved ones. As the vaccine rolls out, we’re on the path to recovery. But, it will take most of the new year to reach enough of us to achieve some sense of safety.
People have lost their jobs. Businesses have shut down, and many will never reopen.
However, we’ve also learned a lot about ourselves. We are resilient and resourceful. We adapted and found ways to stay connected with colleagues, friends, and family.
Those of us with access to technology (e.g., a laptop and internet service) have found ways to keep working. If you’re a knowledge worker, you may have been even more productive at home.
It hasn’t been easy. It hasn’t been “fun.” But, it won’t always be like this.
Remote work is really about “location independent” work. Not being forced to stay home, but being able to work from anywhere. As more employers embrace it, it also means working for anyone anywhere in the world.
This newsletter is about taking control of your work and life so that you can have complete freedom to work and live the way you want. That’s an exciting opportunity that the future holds for all of you.
So, listen to this episode and let me know what you think. Thank you.
This week’s professional development challenge
⭐ Make time for you
What if I told you that the time you invest in yourself would more than pay for itself?
Larry Cornett is a leadership coach and business advisor. He lives in Northern California near Lake Tahoe with his wife and children, and a gigantic Great Dane. He does his best to share advice that can help others take full control of their work and life. He’s also on Twitter @cornett.
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